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It feels like it's been a lifetime since I've updated my blog, but I've decided to start it up again. Let's reintroduce ourselves. Hi! My name is Heather. I have an amazing husband and we've been married for 12 1/2 years. He's my best friend and I love him more than I could ever express. We have two amazing kids. Thomas (AKA Mr. T) is currently 10. He's into Pokemon, Star Wars, comic books, cars, and the violin. River is currently 2 1/2. She's into Micky Mouse, girl superheros, cats and dogs, music and dancing, and coloring. Wherever she goes, you can usually find her favorite stuffed bunny rabbit, Hop, not far behind. I first got my taste for yarn in college when my friends taught me to crochet (21 years ago YIKES). I started knitting several years later (it's been 14 years). I started dyeing yarn in 2010 and was immediately hooked. In October, I re-opened my Etsy shop and started selling my own hand-dyed yarn, The Witch's Brew. www.yarnvi...

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Productive me!